Iran’s Islamic Regime has started the execution of protestors!

Over eighty days since the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini and the rise of the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution, the regime has arrested at least 18,000 civilians, according to rights groups. Several reports confirm torture to obtain false confessions from the detainees, and man of them are in danger of being executed in coming days.

Marking the first announced execution related to the current uprising in Iran, the Islamic Republic executed Mohsen Shekari in the early morning of Thursday Dec. 8, according to the Iranian quasi-governmental news agency: ISNA. Mohsen Shekari was only 23 years old.

The killing of Mohsen Shekari, broke the news as the Iranian activists and groups were preparing informative post to send an alarm about several people who are in immediate danger of execution including Mohsen.

There was no picture of Mohsen before his execution. The security forces has put Mohsen’s family under severe pressure to keep them silent and not let them publishing any information of him and his situation.

It's too late now to save Mohsen's life. But he won't be the last if we don't raise our voices about others who are being held captives and their lives are in danger.


At least 40 detainees are in danger of execution for the crimes of waging war against god" (aka Moharebeh) and

"corruption on earth." None of them had a public or fair trial, or could choose a lawyer.

Those who are reportedly sentenced to death include: Mohammad Ghobadlou, Mohammad Berougheni, Sahand Nour-Mohammad-zadeh, Hamid Gharahasanloo, Ali Moazzami Goudarzi, Reza ShakerZavardehi, Hossein Mohammadi, Mohsen Hashem-Zehi, and several other names unknown.


According to rights groups, at least 6 children are among those who were charged with

"waging war against god" and "Corruption on earth”.

Amin Mahdi Shokrollahi, Aryan Farzam-Nia, and Amir Mahdi Shokrollahi are teenagers whom the Islamic regime is accusing of killing a Basiji force in karaj with falsified evidence.

They were taken to an unjust court last week to review their cases along with another 15 protesters.

Ali Rakhshani and Mohammed Rakhshani, 17 and 16 years old, are two Balouch brothers who were arrested during protests in Zahedan.


Mehdi Karami is only 22 years old. Reports say his execution may take place in the coming day.

Mehdi is a young champion of Shito-Ryu Shukokai Union Karate with several medals. He was forced to confess under severe torture about the killing of a regime security force, even though he is innocent.

This is a repeat of Navid Afkari’s (executed wrestling champion) trial scenario.


Ali Moazzami Goudarzi is only 20 years old.

Reports say his execution may take place in the coming days.


Sahand Nour-Mohammad-Zadeh, 25, has been taken to the execution grounds three times to attempt to torture him into false confession with the demonstration of execution.


Mohsen Hashemzehi, a 24 year old balooch prisoner was transferred to Zahedan prison quarantine to execute the death sentence.


Reza Shaker-Zavardehi is another 20-vear-old civilian whose life is in danger.


Mohammad Ghobadlou, 22, was sentenced to death during the first court session along with the rapper Saman Yasin.


Hamid Gharahassanloo, MD, a 53-year-old radiologist and his wife Farzaneh, a 46-year-old medical laboratory scientist, were also tortured into making false confessions.

Hamid's ribs were broken and as a result, he developed hemothorax. He was sentenced to death and his wife to 25 years imprisonment.

Hamid Gharahassanloo was accused of killing a Basij force during the Chehelom (40th day) ceremony of Hadis Naiafi and the related protests, although he was in fact there as a doctor who was helping save the life of an injured pro-regime person.


Civilians who are charged with “waging war against god" (aka "Moharebeh") include: Saman Yasin (Seidi), Parham Parvari, Mahan Sadrat Madani, Akbar Ghaffari, Manochehr Mehmannavaz, Mohsen Rezazadeh, Abolfazl Mehri Hossein Haji, Saleh Mirhashemi, Amir Nasr Azadani, and Majidreza Rahnavard.

Civilians who are reportedly charged with "Corruption on on earth" include: Toumaj Salehi, Saeid Shirazi, Farzaneh Ghareh-Hasanlou, Reza Arya, Mohammad Mehdi Karami, Behrad Alikenari, Reza Shaker Zavardehi, Javad Zargaran, Mohammad Amin Akhlaghi, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Shayan Charani, and Mehdi Mohammadi Civilians who have been accused of murder include: Milad Armoun, Behrad Hesari (currently released on bail), Mehdi Jahani, Nastouh Nikkhah, Mohammad Pasandian (currently released on bail).

On Tuesday, Dec 6, the notorious head of Judiciary, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje'; announced that some cases related to the current protests are being finalized, meaning that some "corruptors" and "Moharebs" will be executed in the near future.

Hossein Bastani, a prominent journalist and analyst, wrote on twitter on Dec 2 that he believes the Islamic Regime will attempt "executions in a large capacity" based on the comments of the officials. Bastani says that the regime's strategy however, will be mostly focused on keeping the sentences and charges ambiguous in order to suspend stories in the national and international media, aiming instead for public shock after the executions are already done.

Spreading selected facts, incomplete reports, and disinformation, distracting media and the social media with often false stories such as the news about "morality police being demolished"-and employing ties to mainstream media and a regime-employed cyber armies on social media, are some of the tactics that the regime employs to cover up these detainments and death sentences. Journalistic isolation by the regime within Iran, and lack of clear information is making it very difficult for activists and the journalists to have access to report all the names of those in immediate danger.

courtesy: from: Iran

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