WE are?

Chicago4Iran was established as a nonprofit organization on 10/25/22. We are a coalition of Iranian-American residents of Chicago, IL. We are amplifying the voices of brave Iranian people who are oppressed, jailed, and killed, fighting for their human rights.


Artwork by Mahdis Nikou

In September 2022, protests have broken out across Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini (George Floyd of Iran), a 22-year-oldcIranian woman who died in morality police custody.

Mahsa was arrested by Morality Police for wearing her hijab improperly. She was beaten by baton and taken to the Moral Security Agency. Her brother was told that they took her to undergo a “briefing class” about hijab and then she will be released, but she never made it! She collapsed due to brain injuries while in custody and went into a coma and died after three days. The hospital claimed internal brain bleeding and brain dead, but the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) regime immediately denied that in the news. IRI regime made up a false scenario about Mahsa’s death like they have done such a thing for all their crimes and murders! The day after Mahsa’s death, Iranian people protested all around the country and globally; the “Woman, Life, Freedom” revolution onset!


Since the beginning of the uprising (as of 11/21/2022) at least 434 innocent protestors are killed by the IRI regime in Iran! Among those, there are 60 children!

These numbers are just estimates due to the absence of independent journalism in Iran the real death toll is higher than that.


Artwork by Mahdis Nikou

  • Don't underestimate your power in helping us. Any amount of help even small can save lives. Please always keep that in mind.

  • Say Mahsa Amini's name and spread the word among your family and friends and also on social media.

  • Stay informed about Iran's revolution by reading the news and following #MahsaAmini on social media (Twitter and Instagram).

  • Contact your representatives and ask them to take impactful actions toward isolating IRI regime, not just statements. Here are some actions that Iranian people are asking USA to do:

    • Recognize Iranian people's revolution.

    • Hold IRI regime accountable for their


    • No negotiation or deal with IRI

      regime, not even behind the scenes.

    • Stop nuclear deal negotiation with IRI

      regime permanently.

    • Set targeted sanctions on high-rank

      officials of IRI regime (ban them to

      enter US, freeze their assets, ...).

  • Contact human right agencies (UN, UNICEF) and ask them to stand with Iranian people and take action.

  • Demand news outlets to speak up.