Mahsa Day

Sunday | September 15th | 12 pm
Location: Water Tower Park

Since September 2022, Chicago4Iran has been dedicated to raising the voices of our sisters and brothers in Iran. The struggle inside Iran is tough and unending. Although the ways we fight may change, our commitment to the values and rights we seek remains constant until we achieve freedom from this regime.

This year, on Sunday, September 15, we will gather again to honor those we lost during the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising and to remind the Islamic Republic that we are watching. Our anger may be simmering now, but it will soon flare up again, and we’re ready for the day you leave our country.

Mahsa Day

Saturday | September 16th | 12 pm
Location: Buckingham fountain

Your name has remained with us. It is a name that inspired us, giving us strength and courage. Say her name! Remember the names of all those freedom fighters who were murdered by the dictator. Say their names; they fuel our resolve for victory in our battle against tyranny and discrimination. One year after the brutal murder of Mahsa Jina Amini, on the anniversary of the “Women Life Freedom” revolution, we will take to the streets worldwide to once again honor her name in the spirit of Women, Life, and Freedom.

In memory of Kian

Saturday | June 3rd | 12 pm
Location: Buckingham fountain

We are honoring the life of Kian, 9 year-old boy who was shot and killed on November 15, 2022, in the city of Izeh in Southwest of Iran. Kian would have turned 10 this June.
Kian was among the 43 children who were tragically killed by the Iranian authorities during the crackdown on the antiestablishment protests.

United against executions in Iran.

May 20th, 2023 | 12 pm
Location: Randolph St. & Michigan Ave.

On Saturday May 20th, ‎We will join the rallies around the world to protest against the executions and arbitrary rulings in Iran, Chicago4lran is organizing a rally starting at 12pm.

The lives of our loved ones in Iran are in danger.
Execution under any circumstances is a cruel and inhumane punishment
No one deserves to be executed.
In the last 10 days alone, 42 people, including 22 Baloch prisoners, were executed in Iran by the Islamic Republic government.
Let’s stand together, no matter our political views, and condemn the death penalty!
Let’s be the voice of our people. The voice of prisoners in danger of execution!

A rally in recognition of women’s day and in support
of women in Iran

March 12th, 2023 | 12 pm
Location: Randolph St. & Michigan Ave.

On Sunday March 12th, in recognition of International Women's Day [March 8th and to raise awareness about the women in Iran who have been fighting on the frontlines of the Woman Life Freedom revolution since September, Chicago4lran is organizing a rally starting at 12pm.

This is a critical moment in history not only for the Iranian women, but for women all around the world. The Woman Life Freedom is the first woman-led revolution that is fighting for women's basic rights such as freedom of dressing, speech, choice, just to name a few.

Chicago4Iran would like to invite you to join us on this day in support of our sisters across the world. Hope you can join us

A performance in condemnation of poisoning school girls in Iran

March 8th, 2023 | 12 - 1pm
Location: The Wrigley building

The Islamic Republic has poisoned hundred s of school girls in Iran with Toxic gas. Nearly 900 students have been poisoned so far, according to an Islamic Republic parliament member who cited an unnamed, reliable source.

School girls in Iran have been prominently outspoken since the MahsaAmini freedom movement began in September 2022. Many believe the poisonings are deliberately designed to hinder and prevent girls from going to school and seeking an education.

We will hold this performance on March 8th to inform the Chicagoans and the world about how the Islamic Regime is suppressing the people of Iran, specially the brave women.


8 Jan 2023, intersection of Van Buren St and Michigan Ave

On 8 January 2020, Flight PS752 was tragically shot down with two missiles only three minutes after takeoff from Tehran’s IKA airport. After three days of denial and under mounting international pressure, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) finally admitted that the Boeing 737-800 was brought down by its missiles, but the true circumstances of the downing has not since been revealed. This heinous operation claimed the lives of all 176 innocent passengers and crew of the flight.

On Jan 8th Iranian and Ukrainian communities of Chicago will stand together in solidarity with the flight PS752 victims and condemn the alliance between dictatorships in Tehran and Moscow.


27 Nov 2022, In front of the Chicago Art Institute

Chicago4Iran, in collaboration with local artists, displayed an illuminated ice sculpture of Khodanoor Lajali.
Khodanoor Lajali was from the Baluch tribe, a minority community in Sistan and Baluchestan Iran, who was shot dead by the Islamic regime forces during the ongoing protests in Iran, sparked by the death of #MahsaAmini.
A few months prior to his tragic death, while protesting for basic human rights, Khodanoor was arrested by Islamic Regime security forces. After being tortured, when he asked for water, regime forces put the glass of water in front of him and far away from his reach!
To honor his memory and the millions of Iranians, group of Chicago activists stayed with the sculpture until it melted.
This is the first collaboration between a prominent Chicago artist and Iranian activists, to raise awareness about the situation in Iran.


The Islamic Regime security forces, on the 16th of November, 2022, murdered Kian Pirfalak,
a bright 10-year-old boy.

The IRI regime has killed more than 60 innocent children in Iran since the beginning of the protests.